Why register

Your views matter and we want to hear them so we can use them to improve health and care services in Kent and Medway. Information on this site is analysed and reported to decision-makers in the NHS and local councils to help them improve services for you.

By telling us a little bit about you, we can make sure we present your views in the right way. For instance, if you live in east Kent and register we will know you are talking to us about services in east Kent rather than in Medway. 

If you provide some of your personal details, we are able to analyse the information you give us in a better way. For instance we might find that people over 60 are finding it harder to get a GP appointment than people under 30. If we capture this type of information, it will be easier for us to improve services in the right way.

Any personal information shared as part of your registration will be confidential and follows GDPR guidance. You can read our privacy policy here. 

You can create a user name unique to you.